Foothill Fun Ride Safety / Rules of the Road

  • - This is not a race; there is no winner or loser.
    - ANSI/Snell-approved helmets must be worn at all times during the ride.
    - All riders must pedal a human powered bicycle. No electric assist equipment allowed; and no three wheeled (Tricycle) recumbents allowed, unless handicap, with prior approval from Ride Director.
    - All riders must sign the ride waiver at event check-in before starting the ride.
    - All riders under 18 years of age must have a parent or guardian present at check-in to sign a waiver at check-in and must carry a medical release authorizing any needed treatment.
    - All adult riders must carry a driver's license or other form of photo ID.
    - All riders are responsible for the safety and condition of their bicycles and equipment.
    - All riders must check-in at the start and leave Turtle Rock Park during their assigned start time
    - All riders must respect checkpoint and rest stop cut-off times
    - Riders heading towards a rest stop that will be closed by the time they arrive must turn around.
    - Riders must wear their assigned rider bib on their backs and have their assigned wrist band on their right wrist at all times. Riders without both a placard and a wrist band may not be allowed into Rest Stops.
    - Private SAG vehicles are prohibited. Riders with private SAGs will be disqualified
    - Riders must carry: Spare tube, Patch kit, Pump, Tools, Water bottles, Medical identification, Personal clothing, Photo ID
    - Bicyclists must obey all California and Nevada Vehicle code laws, including obedience of all stop signs and signals. State police and local sheriff departments may cite violators
    - Roads will not be closed. Riders must ride single file and stay to the right. Riders must be courteous to local drivers and respectful of traffic
    - Riders should safely stay as far right as possible and make every effort to allow faster riders to pass; passing on the left only when safe. This is not a race.
    - The focus of this event is personal challenge and achievement so pace lines of more than two or three people are discouraged. Riding in a pace line is inherently dangerous. Riders assume all liabilities for riding in a pace line. All pace line leaders should announce "on your left" to all riders being passed
    - Other riders should exercise extreme caution near all pace lines
    - Disqualified riders must surrender their wrist band and placard


Disclaimer: The Alta Alpina Cycling Club and the Alta Alpina Challenge Ride Director reserve the right to refuse entry, disqualify or remove anyone from the course for reasons of the their own safety, for the safety of others, for violation of any rules above or of the California or Nevada vehicle code or for any other reason including the well being of the rider, other riders, the ride, or the Alta Alpina Cycling Club. The ride director's decision is final! There will be no refunds.